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How to Leave Your Readers with a Sense of Closure and Completion in a Conclusion for an Argumentativ


Writing an argumentative essay requires you to defend a position for which there is more than one side. To write an argumentative essay, use facts, statistics, details and expert testimony to support your position. While a conclusion for an argumentative essay does include some basic elements found in other types of papers, argumentative essay conclusions are significant, because they provide the last chance you have to sway the reader.

how to write a conclusion to an argumentative essay

Read through your body paragraphs, taking notes on key points of the argument that you want to remind the reader of before the end of the essay. Use the strongest, most logical points of your argument to structure the conclusion so that you have the best chance of convincing the reader of the validity of your position. Review your introduction and include key phrases in the conclusion to add a sense of cohesion and closure to the argument and to the essay.

The middle sentences of an argumentative conclusion should include the most convincing and rational points of your argument. The reader will remember your conclusion more vividly than all of the detailed evidence that you supplied in the body paragraphs, so synthesize your main points rather than summarizing them. You might explain how much waste recycling helps avoid, for instance, based on facts you presented in the paper. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion, as this will cloud the issue and weaken your position.

Begin the conclusion by reminding the reader of your viewpoint by reinstating the most logical arguments you made in the essay. Use this space to tie loose ends and summarize the main points. The conclusion needs to act as a reminder, stating why your viewpoint matters.

So yes, you can consider ending with a question and asking a rhetorical question in the conclusion paragraph. This keeps the reader engaged till the last sentence and enhances the recall value of your essay.

Avoid simply summarizing each paragraph or repeating each point in order; try to bring your points together in a way that makes the connections between them clear. The conclusion is your final chance to show how all the paragraphs of your essay add up to a coherent whole.

This conclusion is taken from a short expository essay that explains the invention of the printing press and its effects on European society. It focuses on giving a clear, concise overview of what was covered in the essay.

The structure of an argumentative essay requires you to have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion for the assignment. In this guide, you learn how to conclude an argumentative in an interesting and academic sound way.

The conclusion in an argumentative essay is the final paragraph of an essay that signals to the reader the closure of the argument. When beginning the conclusion, it is essential to link the paragraph back to the introduction, and the thesis statement. In the middle of the conclusion paragraph, the main points should be summarized. Utilizing a general statement in the conclusion is a great way to make an implication for the future, provide a link to the introduction, and connect to a larger concept.

After the thesis has been restated, the author should summarize the body paragraphs of the argumentative essay.A final, general statement should be used within the conclusion as well. It is essential to maintain a confident, professional tone within the conclusion paragraph, as that is the last impression of the reader.

Ever watch a movie or read a book that ends on a cliffhanger? For fiction, this is a common technique to create suspense, and in movies it's a great way to introduce sequels. However, in an argumentative essay, a cliffhanger only harms your essay as a whole. For any essay, you never want to lack a conclusion, which is the final paragraph of an essay that signals to the reader the closure of the argument. Without a conclusion, the reader will feel like the essay is incomplete. Also, an ineffective or irrelevant conclusion will undermine the rest of the essay, no matter how strong it might be. So how do you write an effective conclusion?

This essay will cover how to end an argumentative essay through the use of a conclusion paragraph. An argumentative essay aims to prove one side of a debatable topic. Argumentative essays are used in academia, as well as in research. This type of essay focuses on researching a topic and evaluating claims associated with the topic. The author will work to prove their point using sound evidence throughout the body paragraphs.

The last paragraph of the argumentative essay is the conclusion paragraph. The conclusion paragraph is essential, as it wraps up the entire essay and the viewpoint that the author has chosen to prove. The conclusion is the author's lasting impression on the reader. It is an essential component of the argumentative essay

What is the purpose of an effective conclusion? The conclusion is an important aspect of an argumentative essay, as it is the final impression that the reader is left with. This is the last moment where the author can make any final points.

The author uses the conclusion to tie together the main points of the essay. This is a chance to relate the evidence to the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the argumentative essay. It states the purpose of the essay along with any major evidence.

The conclusion paragraph should be a summary of the entirety of the paper. This is reflected in its restatement of the thesis statement, along with credible evidence. This summary must be concise and cover the most important information contained in the essay.

The conclusion paragraph also works to provide closure for the reader. It will answer any questions that have been left unaddressed. It will also relieve any tension about the topic and any uncertainty about the validity of the argument. All loose ends should be wrapped up, as well. By the time they are done reading the conclusion, the reader should feel satisfied with the content of the argumentative essay.

This section of the lesson plan will discuss how to write a conclusion for an argumentative essay. Some authors believe that an essay conclusion outline is essential to creating a cohesive final paragraph.

The thesis statement is the most important, single sentence in the entire essay. This is usually the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. The thesis statement sums up the entire purpose of the argumentative essay. It usually includes supporting evidence as well.

The thesis statement is reformed within the conclusion. It mustn't be restated verbatim, as that would lend for a boring essay. Instead, the main idea from the thesis statement should be reworded and reapplied within the conclusion. This helps the conclusion summarize the paper. This repetition allows the argumentative essay to remain with the reader long after they have finished reading it.

After the thesis has been restated, the author should summarize the body paragraphs of the argumentative essay. If the thesis statement states what the author aims to prove, the body paragraphs contain the evidence that supports the thesis statement further.

The first thing you need to know is the structure, or how to format your conclusion. After spending around four paragraphs outlining your argument, look back to your main claim. This is usually your thesis as stated in the introduction paragraph. A conclusion paragraph should begin with a restatement of your thesis to remind the reader of the overall purpose of the essay. However, never rewrite your thesis word for word. This is redundant and shows lack of creativity. Think of another way to put forth the same idea. If you have a complex thesis, shortening it in some way is a good idea for the conclusion.

Finally, you want to end your conclusion with a general statement that leaves your reader thinking about your topic even after the essay is over. Using a rhetorical question or relating the topic to a larger concept will push the reader to continue to think about the ideas you brought up throughout your essay. Other methods include connecting your argument to implications for the future or linking back to some idea used in the introduction, which brings a nice sense of closure to the essay.

Let's look at a quick example to help see the process of writing a conclusion. Imagine you wrote an essay to argue that all schools should require students to wear school uniforms. You have the introduction and all the body paragraphs written. Now it's time to conclude your essay.

To start the conclusion, restate that idea, but remember not to write it verbatim. So for example, you might write, 'Instead of holding students back, school uniforms allow students to excel in many facets of school life.' This is a much shorter version, but still gets the main point across: that school uniforms are beneficial to students.

Now that you've restated the thesis, it's time to look at your body paragraphs and summarize the main point in each. The body of your pro-school uniform essay would have included a paragraph each on limiting inappropriate clothing, providing a sense of pride in the school, and preparing students for future careers. Each of these ideas should be summarized in about one sentence each. Again, do not rewrite anything word for word from an earlier paragraph; instead, rephrase the main points.

Finally, you'll end with a broad statement that leaves your reader thinking about your topic. You can come up with some implication for the future, like what the new generation of well-dressed students might be able to bring to the world. Or you can look back at your introduction and connect to how you began the essay. For instance, if you began with an anecdote (a short story) of a personal experience with uniforms, you can bring up that idea again. Or if you used a famous quote, remind the reader of why that quote is important. There are many strategies for writing an introduction, so whichever method you used, link back to it in your conclusion. 2ff7e9595c

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